Acta Amazonica (Dec 2008)

Composição e diversidade florístico-estrutural de um hectare de floresta densa de terra firme na Amazônia Central, Amazonas, Brasil Composition and floristic-structural diversity of a hectare of terra firme dense forest in Central Amazonia, Amazonas, Brazil

  • Arlem Nascimento de Oliveira,
  • Ieda Leão do Amaral,
  • Michele Braule Pinto Ramos,
  • Antônio Donato Nobre,
  • Luciana Bovino Couto,
  • Rosana Martiniano Sahdo

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 38, no. 4
pp. 627 – 641


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Foram inventariadas todas as árvores, lianas e palmeiras com DAP > 10 cm de um hectare (dois transectos paralelos de 500 x 10 m) de floresta densa de terra firme sobre platô de Latossolo, 90 km a nordeste de Manaus (02º35'45" S e 60º12'40" W). A fitofisionomia local é exuberante e homogênea, com grande número de árvores altas e finas. Foram encontrados 670 indivíduos distribuídos em 48 famílias, 133 gêneros e 245 espécies. Do total amostrado, 70% ou 467 indivíduos apresentaram DAP To investigate the composition and floristic diversity of one hectare of a dense forest on a terra firme oxisol plateau, 90 km from the Manaus (02º35"45" S e 60º12"40" W), all trees, lianas and palm trees with diameter at breast height (DBH) > 10 cm were inventoried along two parallel transects of 500 x 10 m. The landscape is vegetationally exuberant and homogeneous, with a large quantity of tall slender trees. A total of 670 individuals in 48 families, 133 genera and 245 species were registered in this floristic inventory. 467 of the plants sampled exhibited DBH 90 cm. Families with greatest species richness and importance value were Fabaceae, Sapotaceae and Lecythidaceae. The Shannon-Wiener diversity (H" = 5.1) and evenness (E" = 0.92) indices suggest that the forest environment is very diversified, but with a relative uniformity of species. However, a uniform spatial distribution of the species in this forest environment was not observed. According to Mantel"s test (p < 0.001), the highest floristic similarity is a function of geographic proximity among suplots.
