Revista Cubana de Cardiología y Cirugía Cardiovascular (Jan 2011)
Association between metabolic syndrome and coronary events in dislipidemic patients from the Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery Institute.
Introduction The metabolic syndrome is characterized by the convergence of several riskfactors in the same individual. It has been object of interest in the last yearsdue to their high prevalence in healthy populations as in those with a historyof cardiovascular affections.Objectives To determine the association of the metabolic syndrome with the occurrenceof adverse coronary events.Method A prospective study in which 228 dyslipidemic patients from the Institute ofCardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery were included, was carried out. Thesubjects were assigned to form two groups: patients that gathered criteria formetabolic syndrome and patients without it. The incidence of coronary eventswas compared during five years. For the comparison of quantitative and qualitativevariables it was used the test of student t and Chi2 respectively. TheOdss Ratio was calculated to determine the association, and the survival freeof events was determined by means of Kaplan-Meier test. Statistically differenceswere considered significant with a value of p<0,05.Results Of the 228 patients, the 9,21% presented metabolic syndrome. The meanage was of 66 years vs 67 years, 38% vs 36% were men, 95,2% vs 3,9%were diabetics, 81% vs 69,1% suffered from high blood pressure, 28,6% vs15% had pathological levels of cholesterol-HDL and 100% vs 64% had highconcentrations of triglycerides respectively for the groups with and withoutmetabolic syndrome. There was no association between the metabolic syndromeand the occurrence of adverse coronary events.Conclusions There was no association obtained between the metabolic syndrome and theincidence of adverse coronary events in these patients during the a fallow upfor five years.