Vojnotehnički Glasnik (Jul 2002)
Školovanje oficira tehničke službe / Education officers of technical services
Radi školovanja kadra za Tehničku službu, u skladu sa savremenim i perspektivnim potrebama Armije, naredbom DSNO od 23. jula 1953. godine osnovan je Tehnički školski centar (TŠC) KoV JNA. Artiljerijsko vojnotehničko učilište i Automobilska oficirska škola, u čijem sastavu je bila i Automobilska tehnička podoficirska škola, bile su jezgro iz kojeg su se formirali Vojnotehnička akademija (VTA) i Tehnička podoficirska škola (TPŠ) dve stalne škole TŠC, kao i škole za usavršavanje i kursevi. / In order to educate personnel for the Technical Service, in accordance with the modern and prospective needs of the Army, the State Secretary for National Defense dated 23 July 1953 established the Technical School Center (TŠC) of the Land Army of the Yugoslav Peoples Army (JNA). The Artillery Military Technical School and the Automotive Technical School were the core from which the Military Technical Academy (VTA) and the Technical Unfinished School (TPŠ) formed two permanent schools, as well as schools for training and courses.