Cahiers des Amériques Latines (Dec 2015)
L’action culturelle Sud-Sud du Brésil à travers les clubs de puissances émergentes : fonctions et usages
Based on an empirical method, this article analyzes the trilateral cultural action implemented by Brazil through the clubs of emerging powers, such as the IBSA. Brazilian cultural diplomacy, according to its goal of autonomising its South-South agenda, is not used, and does not serve, as a factor of influence or cultural domination over its partner countries. It rather supports the will to diversify cultural references in Brazil, especially during the administration of Lula da Silva. This strategy aims to reduce Northern cultural influences and references that are broadcasted in the media and diffused through tourism, education, and the spread of a Western way of life. Beyond a political objective, however, the goal of Brazilian cultural diplomacy is also an economic one, as it tries to increase touristic flows towards Brazil from the emerging countries that are members of the club.