Kējì Fǎxué Pínglùn (Dec 2006)

生物辨識技術之運用對隱私權的影響 The Impact on Privacy from the Application

  • 王郁琦 Yu-Chi Wang

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 3, no. 2
pp. 49 – 106


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在美國發生911 事件之後,世界各國紛紛尋求科技的幫助,希望能夠加強安全管制,避免悲劇再次發生。由於生物辨識技術是透過電腦,以人類的生物特徵辨識個人的身分,因此,如果能夠成功運用於機場或其他公共場所的進出管制,對於減少身分偽造或冒用,避免再一次的恐怖攻擊將會有莫大的助益。對於私人住家與企業而言,生物辨識技術用於門禁管制亦可加強安全維護。但是,由於生物辨識技術的運用,涉及了對個人指紋、虹膜或其他相關資訊的蒐集,因此必須對個人資訊隱私有完善的保護,以防資訊外洩或遭到濫用。此外,由於生物特徵無法更改,將可能用來連結各個資料庫,使得個人的一切作為都在政府的監督之下。本文除了希望透過對生物辨識技術以及隱私權概念深入的研究,以釐清生物辨識技術是否會對個人隱私造成侵害。在生物辨識科技不可避免的將被廣泛運用的情況下,應該如何妥善使用生物辨識技術,一方面可以避免個人身分在任何情況下被冒用或偽造,同時也應該透過良好的監督機制,儘量避免可能的隱私權侵害。 After the 911 attack on the U.S., governments all over the world look for help of technology to enforce the airport surveillance and to avoid terrorist attacks. Biometrics compares the physiological or behavioral characteristics by computers to identify a person. The use of biometrics in the control of public places and airports can reduce the problem of identity theft. In private houses and companies, the application of biometrics can accrue safety. Because the application of biometrics requires the collections of fingerprints, irises or other personal information alike, it’s important to protect personal information from disclosure or abuse. In addition, the biometrics information can be used as an identifier because it is difficult to change, the government may therefore use it to surveillance people’s behavior through cross-linking all databases the government owns. In addition to researching on the development of the biometrics technology and its impact on privacy, this article argues that the use of biometrics is inevitable and the government should assess the impact on privacy and set up the mechanism of supervision to avoid possible abuses.
