Geodetski Vestnik (Jan 2013)

Predlog za spremembo urbanega sistema Slovenije ; Proposal ofchanges in the urban system of Slovenia

  • Andrej Pogačnik

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 57, no. 1
pp. 97 – 111


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V članku avtor raziskuje hipotezo, da se urbani sistem Slovenije v zadnjih dvajsetih letih ni razvijal, kot je bilo načrtovano. Večja mesta so se razvijala bolj, in sicer v obliki suburbanizacije, manjša pa so stagnirala in niso upravičila svoje vloge nacionalnih središč. Tako predlaga vnovično znanstveno preveritev urbanega sistema kot sestavine novega državnega strateškega prostorskega načrta. Zagovarja tezo, naj država krepi samo sedem regionalnih središč (vključno z mesti nacionalnega pomena – Ljubljano, Mariborom in Koprom), druga mesta pa naj se razvijajo po načelih svobodnega tekmovanja ; In this article, the author researches the hypothesis that the urban system in Slovenia has not followed the planning goals over the previous 20 years. Large cities have grown in the form of suburbanisation, while smaller cities have stagnated and have not reached the level of regional centres. The author proposes a new scientific examination of urban systems as a part of Strategic Spatial Plan of the Republic of Slovenia. His thesis is that seven regional urban centres in Slovenia should be developed (including the cities of Ljubljana, Maribor and Koper) as the core of polycentric urbanisation. Other cities should develop according their potentials following free market conditions.
