Naučno-tehničeskij Vestnik Informacionnyh Tehnologij, Mehaniki i Optiki (Dec 2023)
Algorithm for promptly maintaining the temperature regime of power amplification units of the radar transmitting complex based on a thermal model
The development trends of modern electronic equipment included in radar stations consist of a constant increase in the output radiated power. This leads to a significant increase in heat generation of power amplification units as the most heat-loaded ones. To reduce failures of these units associated with overheating, this work proposes an original algorithm for quickly maintaining the temperature regime. The algorithm is based on a thermal model, which allows, unlike the known ones, to calculate the temperature distribution in the block in real time, taking into account telemetry from temperature sensors installed inside the block. The novelty of the proposed algorithm lies in the real-time control of the cooling system based on the block temperature forecast obtained using a thermal model. The thermal model is based on the mathematical formalization of thermal processes using the anisotropic body method, which allows minimizing the computational costs of calculations by representing the power amplification unit as a quasi-homogeneous body. Simulation of the temperature distribution process in the power amplification unit was performed in the COMSOL. To evaluate the efficiency of the algorithm and the ability to operate in real time at the operational stage of the radar station, a computational experiment was performed using model data. The simulation results confirmed the possibility of calculating the temperature distribution in the block in real time. Unlike existing algorithms for maintaining the temperature regime of a block, based on the readings of temperature sensors that determine the temperature at the current moment in time, the developed algorithm implements a temperature forecast. This allows you to take measures to cool the unit before the onset of critical emergency situations.