Sučasnì Informacìjnì Tehnologìï u Sferì Bezpeki ta Oboroni (Dec 2014)
We conducted analysis of frequency range occupation and engagement by the usury of various origin (civil or military) and written it out in the given article. It allows to define the priorities in the increase of efficiency of radio electronic suppression of enemy troops management at the present stage of development of armed conflict. Nowadays there is a considerable expansion of the used frequency range, development of digicom, package radio networks, transmitting systems. The given analysis results prompt further investigation anole make us reconsider approach to a structure, planning, application and preparation of REW forces and facilities. They will become future fundamentals to methodological background working out. It will provide us with high quality operations planning and to a maximum efficiency radio electronic suppression of troops and weapons. It is utterly important to create systems to prevent the enemy conquer the informational advantage in combat systems and weapons management. There is a task on agenda to search vulnerable aspects of control systems, connections, IT supports, intelligence and all round enemy support in combat actions which is aimed at destroying it and increase friendly troops efficiency. The crucial elements of the enemy intelligence system are radio electronic information facilities, suppressed, destroyed or destructed of them will lead to a significant decreasing enemy capacity to manage combat systems.