Jurnal Kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling (Oct 2023)

Education and Work Future Expectation Scale Adaptation for Indonesian University Students

  • Ike Dwiastuti,
  • Wiwin Hendriani,
  • Fitri Andriani

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 8, no. 3
pp. 177 – 190


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Abstract: The students' optimism about their future careers and education impacts their educational success. The Future Expectation Scale of Adolescents (FESA) can measure future expectations of education and student career. This study aims to adapt the scale of the FESA work and education domain to the Indonesian language and culture. The adaptation in this study follows the six-stage category of the International Commission Test. Development of adaptation items using a forward-backward translation design involving six experts. The comparability of language and content validity assessments involved nine experts. Pilot study for item evaluation involving 15 students from the target population. The quantitative testing was administered to 297 state college students. Results of the comparability assessment of language indicate that the adapted item has a similar structure and meaning. The content validity assessment demonstrates that the adapted item is already relevant, essential, and clear for measuring educational and work expectations. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) reveals that this adaptation scale has good construct validity, as indicated by the value of a good fit model that meets the criteria. Reliability based on construct reliability and internal consistency is also good. Thus, the FESA work and education domain scale version for Indonesia is valid and reliable to measure the youth's future expectations of education and work, especially among Indonesian college students. Abstrak: Kesuksesan pendidikan dipengaruhi oleh keyakinan positif pelajar terhadap masa depan pendidikan dan pekerjaannya. Skala the Future Expectation Scale of Adolescent (FESA) dapat mengukur harapan masa depan pendidikan dan pekerjaan pelajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengadaptasi skala FESA work and education domain ke dalam bahasa dan budaya Indonesia. Adaptasi dalam penelitian ini mengikuti proses 6 tahap dari International Commission Test. Pengembangan item adaptasi menggunakan forward-backward translation design yang melibatkan 6 ahli. Penilaian comparability of language dan content validity melibatkan 9 ahli. Uji keterbacaan melalui pilot study yang melibatkan 15 mahasiswa yang sesuai target populasi. Uji kuantitatif dilakukan terhadap 297 mahasiswa dari perguruan negeri. Hasil penilaian comparability of language menunjukkan bahwa item adaptasi memiliki kesetaraan struktur bahasa dan makna. Penilaian content validity menunjukkan bahwa item adaptasi sudah relevan, penting dan jelas untuk mengukur harapan pendidikan dan pekerjaan. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) membuktikan bahwa skala adaptasi ini memiliki validitas konstruk yang baik, ditunjukkan dari nilai good fit model yang memenuhi kriteria. Reliabilitas berdasarkan construct reliability dan internal konsistensi juga tergolong baik. Dengan demikian, skala FESA work and education domain versi Indonesia terpercaya untuk mengukur harapan masa depan pendidikan dan pekerjaan remaja khususnya mahasiswa Indonesia.
