European Journal of Case Reports in Internal Medicine (May 2020)
Ogilvie’s Syndrome Presented as Angina: A Case Report
Ogilvie’s syndrome is a non-mechanical, acute pseudo-obstruction of the colon, causing massive colonic dilation. Medical or surgical conditions can predispose patients to Ogilvie’s syndrome; however, the pathogenesis and clinical findings are still not well understood. Here, we present a case of a 48-year-old male patient who presented to the Emergency Department with intermittent self-resolved left-sided lower chest pain on a background of ischaemic heart disease and positive risk factors for acute coronary syndrome. Troponin testing was negative and an electrocardiogram showed no acute changes. Chest radiography showed a dilated bowel under the left hemidiaphragm and a computed tomography (CT) scan of the abdomen-pelvis confirmed the diagnosis of Ogilvie’s syndrome. The patient was treated conservatively with a short period of nil by mouth and intravenous fluids.