Polilog: Studia Neofilologiczne (Jun 2012)

Идеологемы и мифологемы в текстовой ткани фельетона

  • Żanna Sładkiewicz

Journal volume & issue
no. 2
pp. 371 – 381


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Ideologems and mythologems in the text of the feuilleton In this article the author analyzes the concepts ideologem and mythologem on an example of modern Russian satirical texts. Satirical journalistic text is part of the journalistic discourse, which can be classified as influencing type of a discourse. The feuilleton always has ideological modus and assumes the public importance. A strategic task of the feuilletonist is not simply to acquaint the reader with the occurred event, first of all, he wants to express the relation to it and to convince the addressee of correctness of author’s vision. Ideologems and mythologems subordinate to itself all categories of the satirical text: the choice of nominations for objects of satirical typification, the general stylistic tonality, ways of linguistic distortion of ideological cliches of the official press.
