Réappropriation de l’accouchement en contexte migratoire : le cas des femmes sud-asiatiques récemment immigrées à Montréal
This article concentrates on the intersection between immigration and perinatal period. Based on an ethnographic study conducted in a Montreal neighborhood resulting in 39 life stories, the focus is on the perinatal process of recently immigrated South Asian women, and particularly on their childbirth experiences. Giving birth in Quebec public hospitals, where vaginal delivery is recommended, seems to have encouraged a reappropriation of childbirth for the women interviewed. This reappropriation has emerged from the perception of a greater respect of the parturient body rhythm, which would have allowed the women to feel more like protagonists of this experience. Lastly, the identity dynamics at play are be analyzed, first through the different positions of women regarding the taking of the epidural and then through the mobilization of the childbirth pains in front of the husbands present in the delivery rooms.