mSphere (Feb 2020)

<named-content content-type="genus-species">Trypanosoma brucei</named-content> Pex13.2 Is an Accessory Peroxin That Functions in the Import of Peroxisome Targeting Sequence Type 2 Proteins and Localizes to Subdomains of the Glycosome

  • Logan P. Crowe,
  • Christina L. Wilkinson,
  • Kathleen R. Nicholson,
  • Meredith T. Morris

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Vol. 5, no. 1


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ABSTRACT Kinetoplastid parasites, including Trypanosoma brucei, Trypanosoma cruzi, and Leishmania, harbor unique organelles known as glycosomes, which are evolutionarily related to peroxisomes. Glycosome/peroxisome biogenesis is mediated by proteins called peroxins that facilitate organelle formation, proliferation, and degradation and import of proteins housed therein. Import of matrix proteins occurs via one of two pathways that are dictated by their peroxisome targeting sequence (PTS). In PTS1 import, a C-terminal tripeptide sequence, most commonly SKL, is recognized by the soluble receptor Pex5. In PTS2 import, a less conserved N-terminal sequence is recognized by Pex7. The soluble receptors deliver their cargo to the import channel consisting minimally of Pex13 and Pex14. While much of the import process is conserved, kinetoplastids are the only organisms to have two Pex13s, Pex13.1 and Pex13.2. It is unclear why trypanosomes require two Pex13s when one is sufficient for most eukaryotes. To interrogate the role of Pex13.2, we have employed biochemical approaches to partially resolve the composition of the Pex13/Pex14 import complexes in T. brucei and characterized glycosome morphology and protein import in Pex13.2-deficient parasites. Here, we show that Pex13.2 is an integral glycosome membrane protein that interacts with Pex13.1 and Pex14. The N terminus of Pex13.2 faces the cytoplasmic side of the membrane, where it can facilitate interactions required for protein import. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis revealed three glycosome membrane complexes containing combinations of Pex13.1, Pex13.2, and Pex14. The silencing of Pex13.2 resulted in parasites with fewer, larger glycosomes and disrupted glycosome protein import, suggesting the protein is involved in glycosome biogenesis as well as protein import. Furthermore, superresolution microscopy demonstrated that Pex13.2 localizes to discrete foci in the glycosome periphery, indicating that the glycosome periphery is not homogenous. IMPORTANCE Trypanosoma brucei causes human African trypanosomiasis and a wasting disease called Nagana in livestock. Current treatments are expensive, toxic, and difficult to administer. Because of this, the search for new drug targets is essential. T. brucei has glycosomes that are essential to parasite survival; however, our ability to target them in drug development is hindered by our lack of understanding about how these organelles are formed and maintained. This work forwards our understanding of how the parasite-specific protein Pex13.2 functions in glycosome protein import and lays the foundation for future studies focused on blocking Pex13.2 function, which would be lethal to bloodstream-form parasites that reside in the mammalian bloodstream.
