Pamiętnik Teatralny (Dec 2020)
Teatr społeczny, interkulturowy, postmigrancki
Research on migrant theater, one of the main currents of contemporary theater studies, is particularly strong in Germany, the country with the highest immigration rate in Europe. An important aspect of these studies is post-migrant theater. In the works of Wolfgang Schneider (2011) and Azadeh Sharifi (2017), this problem is discussed in the broader context of structural changes in German theater and its development. In the article, this research is the point of departure for an attempt to situate the activity of three theaters (Teatr Kreatur, Theater der Migranten, Ballhaus Naunynstraße) within the typology of intercultural theater proposed by Wolfgang Sting (2011), in order to demonstrate not only this framework’s potential for describing migrant and post-migrant theaters, but also to show how theater practice and the social context modify the framework.