Tropicultura (Jan 1989)
La rentabilité du labour attelé dans la sous-préfecture de Bangouya, Guinée
The profitability of oxen ploughing in the Bangouya sous-prefecture, Guinea. Following the demand of the NGOACT', a study has been made of the possibilities of the extension of animal traction in the region of Bangouya. Animal ploughing is known in the region since the colonial period and has spread spontaneously since. The regional environment is favourable to the extension of animal traction except the availability of appropriate tools. At the farm level, animal ploughing becomes profitable when more than 3.7 ha are ploughed. The profitability of animal traction in the region will be affected by its extension to other activities than ploughing and harrowing. In this respect it seems useful to study the possibilities for the mechanization of groundnut (weeding, harvesting) and rice (puddling and levelling) cultivation, for processing of agricultural products and for transport.