International Journal of Strategic Property Management (Mar 2009)

Phased multi‐target areal development competitions: Algorithms for competitor allocation

  • Pertti Lahdenperä

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 13, no. 1


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The prevailing practice in new areal real estate development is for public and private actors to perform their duties by turns. Yet, the planning process could benefit from simultaneous contributions from society and developers and their designers. That, again, requires that the municipality selects the private partner consortia prior to completion of the local detailed plan through a competition in order to find the most potential actors and the best ideas for implementation of an urban structure of high quality. Candidates will be attracted by offering them the right to implement a residential/business block as a developer. The several blocks involved in an areal development project, and the laboriousness of producing competitive solutions, require a well planned selection process. A novel multi‐target competition process was developed which is presented in this paper with special emphasis on the allocation algorithms that allow selecting the most qualified competitors for parallel follow‐up competitions from among a large group of registered candidates. The approach was tested in an actual real estate development project in the municipal district of Vuores which was the original reason for launching the study. Santruka Pletojant nekilnojamaji turta naujose teritorijose, vieši ir privatūs asmenys dažniausiai savo pareigas vykdo paeiliui. Tačiau planavimo procesui būtu tik geriau, jei tuo pačiu metu prisidetu ir visuomene, ir vystytojai, ir projektuotojai. Tam velgi reikia, kad savivaldybe paskelbtu konkursa ir pasirinktu privačiu partneriu grupes prieš užbaigdama vietini detaluji plana didžiausia potenciala turintiems dalyviams aptikti ir geriausioms idejoms surinkti, kokybiškai miesto struktūrai išvystyti. Kai teritoriju pletros projektas apima kelis kvartalus, o kuriant konkurencingus sprendimus idedama daug darbo, reikia gerai suplanuoto atrankos proceso. Yra sukurtas novatoriškas daugiatikslis konkurso procesas, pristatomas šiame darbe, daugiau demesio skiriama paskirstymo algoritmams, kuriuos naudojant iš daugybes registruotu kandidatu galima atrinkti tinkamiausius tolesniems tuo pat metu vykdomiems konkursams. Toks būdas patikrintas realiame nekilnojamojo turto pletros projekte, kuris vyko Vuores savivaldybes teritorijoje, ir būtent del šios priežasties pradetas šis tyrimas. First Publish Online: 18 Oct 2010
