Energies (Nov 2022)
DEMO Divertor Cassette and Plasma facing Unit in Vessel Loss-of-Coolant Accident
As part of the pre-conceptual design activities for the European DEMOnstration plant, a carefully selected set of safety analyses have been performed to assess plant integrated performance and the capability to achieve expected targets while keeping it in a safe operation domain. The DEMO divertor is the in-vessel component in charge of exhausting the major part of the plasma ions’ thermal power in a region far from the plasma core to control plasma pollution. The divertor system accomplishes this goal by means of assemblies of cassette and target plasma facing units modules, respectively cooled with two independentheat-transfer systems. A deterministic assessment of a divertor in-vessel Loss-of-Coolant Accident is here considered. Both Design Basis Accident case simulating the rupture of an in-vessel pipe for the divertor cassette cooling loop, and a Design Extension Conditions accident case considering the additional rupture of an independent divertor target cooling loop are assessed. The plant response to such accidents is investigated, a comparison of the transient evolution in the two cases is provided, and design robustness with respect to safety objectives is discussed.