Heritage (Feb 2023)
Hydrographic Drone Non-Invasive Underwater Investigations: New Archaeological Discoveries in Valle Fossa di Porto (Comacchio—FE, Italy)
During forensic archaeological research conducted in 2021 in the Comacchio Lagoon (FE), we detected new data concerning the ancient local hydrography to the west of Argine Agosta, an ancient bank, in Valle Fossa di Porto. A systematic campaign of geophysical surveys for heritage and archaeology was conducted with a hydrographic drone equipped with a single-beam bathymetric sensor echo sounder, sub-bottom profiler, and side-scan sonar. In combination with the indirect non-invasive investigations, systematic surveys of the walkable areas were also completed. These remote-sensing studies have relocated the River Vatrenus palaeo-watercourse, while visual census have brought to light a system of wooden palisades with floors made of wood associated with some scattered finds belonging to the material culture dating back to the Mediaeval and Renaissance periods. A preview of the results of this case study is presented here, contributing to the reconstruction of the ancient landscape and waterscape area of the Valle Fossa di Porto.