Polilog: Studia Neofilologiczne (Jun 2012)
Творчество Даниила Хармса и философия Анри Бергсона
The writings of Daniil Kharms and the philosophy of Henri Bergson In Daniil Kharms‘s writings there can be observed a significant convergence with Henri Bergson’s philosophical system. The concept of time found in the Russian vanguard artist’s works seems to be similar to that of Bergson. Kharms perceives time as a category of reality unknowable to the human mind. Time is bilinear: objective – as a category of physics, and subjective – as the time of human existence. Kharms also explores the problem of perception of reality and, like the French philosopher, distinguishes between two kinds of cognitive processes: the rational, external one and the intuitive one – getting to the core of the subject and enablingtrue cognizance. Bergson’s influences are also visible in Kharms’s concept of various states of consciousness, especially sleeping and falling asleep. In many works, Kharms expatiates on the subject of the artist, inspiration and masterpiece, approaching Bergson’s philosophy of creativity and genius. The French philosopher’s influence is discernible on the ideological level as well as in Kharms’s poetics. Shaping his ideas Kharms, like Bergson, is inspired by scientific achievements, while emphasizing the importance of the intuitive approach.