Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran (Apr 2020)

<p>Efek perendaman pada landasan akrilik self-cured terhadap viabilitas sel fibroblas</p><p>Immersion effect on self-cured acrylic base towards the fibroblast cell viability</p>

  • Laurensius Randy Soetono,
  • Taufik Sumarsongko,
  • Lisda Damayanti,
  • Bremmy Laksono

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 32, no. 1
pp. 78 – 83


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Pendahuluan: Akrilik merupakan salah satu bahan landasan gigi tiruan yang populer digunakan oleh dokter gigi di bidang prostodonti. Pembuatan gigi tiruan saat ini dapat dilakukan juga oleh tukang gigi sesuai dengan peraturan Permenkes, namun terbatas pada bahan akrilik heat-cured sebagai landasan gigi tiruan. Tukang gigi diketahui sering menggunakan bahan akrilik self-cured sebagai landasan gigi tiruan, tanpa memperhatikan toksisitas dari bahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengamati pengaruh toksisitas akrilik self-cured terhadap viabilitas sel fibroblast. Metode: Penelitian menggunakan metode eksperimental in vitro dengan melakukan kontak antara piringan akrilik self-cured dan sel fibroblast REF (Rat Embryonic Fibroblast) selama 48 jam. Piringan akrilik self-cured yang digunakan pada penelitian ini dibuat dengan ukuran diameter 1 cm dan tebal 1 mm. Pengaruh toksisitas piringan akrilik self-cured dilihat dengan membandingkan viabilitas sel fibroblast pada piringan akrilik self-cured yang sudah direndam pada air suhu ruangan (25o C) selama 1 jam dengan monomer sisa yang terukur sebagai kontrol (2,5%). Hasil: Jumlah rata-rata viabilitas sel fibroblast pada piringan akrilik self-cured sebesar 24,04% dan pada kontrol 17,43%. Analisis statistik uji-t menunjukkan nilai p dibawah nilai kemaknaan (p < 0,05), yaitu 0,02. Simpulan: Terdapat pengaruh toksisitas bahan landasan akrilik self-cured terhadap viabilitas sel fibroblast dan adanya perbedaan bermakna pada perendaman piringan akrilik dalam air suhu ruangan selama 1 jam terhadap kontrol. Kata kunci: Akrilik self-cured, sel fibroblas, viabilitas sel. ABSTRACT Introduction: Acrylic is one of denture base’s materials which are popularly used by dentists in prosthodontic. Denture manufacture can be done by artisans corresponding to National Health Regulation (Permenkes) but is limited on heat-cured acrylic material only. Dental artisans are usually known to use self-cured acrylic as denture base material, without paying attention to its toxicity. This study was aimed to evaluate the toxicity effect of self-cured acrylic by measuring the viability of fibroblast cells in-vitro. Methods: This research was an in-vitro experimental by contacted self-cured acrylic discs with REF (Rat Embryonic Fibroblast) for 48 hours. Self-cured acrylic discs that used in this research were made in disc shape with 1 cm in diameter and 1 mm thick. Toxicity effect of self-cured acrylic discs was measured by comparing cell viability at self-cured acrylic discs that had been immersed in water with room temperature (25oC) for 1 hour to measured residual monomer as control (2.5%). Results: The research result was showing the average cells viability at self-cured discs was 24.04%, and the control group was 17.43%. The t-test analysis result showed that the p-value was p = 0.02. Conclusion: There was a toxicity effect of acrylic self-cured materials towards the fibroblast cell viability. This research also found a difference between the acrylic self-cured discs that had been immersed in room temperature water for 1 hour with the control group. Keywords: Cell viability, fibroblast cells, self-cured acrylic.
