Онкогематология (Jun 2017)
MUCORMYCOSIS IN ONCOHEMATOLOGY PATIENTS (results of the prospective study)
In 2004–2016 we prospectively observed 59 oncohematology patients with mucormycosis; 21 children and 38 adults. The most frequent underlying diseases were acute myeloid leukemia and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (64 %); and main risk factors were сytostatic chemotherapy and allogeneic HSCT with prolonged (median – 30 days) neutropenia and lymphocytopenia. The etiology agents were Rhizopus spp. (47 %); Rhizomucor spp. (28 %); Lichtheimia corуmbifera (17 %) and Mucor spp. (8 %). Lichtheimia corуmbifera was found more often in children; Rhizopus and Mucor spp. in adults. Pulmonary mucormycosis was main clinical form (73 %); and ≥2 organs involvement was noted in 44 % patients. Antifungal therapy was used in 78 % patients; surgery – in 47 %. In treated with antifungals patients 12 weeks overall survival was 59 %. The positive prognostic factors were remission of underlying disease and combination antifungal therapy.