Revista de Estudios Sociales (Oct 2021)
La esencialidad del cuarto mundo. “Las marroquíes y los morenos” en la salvaguarda de la producción alimentaria en la frontera sur
The purpose of this paper is to analyze irregularities and responses deployed by women workers recruited at origin in Morocco and workers from other African countries during the soft fruit season. The growth of an intensive, globalized, and delocalized food production model is giving rise to a growing population inhabiting a fourth world. The southern border of Europe and Africa make up one of the largest soft fruit producing and exporting regions. This region is the province of Huelva, where in 2020, the soft fruit season coincided with the first wave of COVID-19. A qualitative methodology based on ethnographic interviews, observation, and specialized literature allowed us to analyze the shortcomings of those who managed to safeguard production and how their essential status, granted to them for the first time, does not guarantee them their fundamental rights.