Physical Activity Journal (Apr 2023)
Analisis Efektivitas Pembelajaran Daring Terhadap Hasil Belajar PJOK Selama Pandemi Covid-19
The purpose of the study was to determine the effectiveness of online learning on PJOK learning outcomes for Class X IPS 4 students during the Covid-19 pandemic at SMAN 1 Banjarharjo, Brebes Regency. The method used in this research is a survey and data collection techniques using a questionnaire. The research subjects were students of Class X IPS 4 at SMAN 1 Banjarharjo, Brebes Regency. The data analysis technique in this study uses descriptive percentage data analysis techniques by using data analysis calculations to find the relative frequency of the percentage and changing the average value of each aspect and category using the benchmark reference assessment guideline (PAP). Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire instrument in the form of questions with "yes" or "no" alternatives. The data obtained were analyzed using descriptive data analysis techniques with percentages. The results showed that the level of effectiveness of online learning on the learning outcomes of PJOK grade X IPS 4 students during the covid-19 pandemic at SMAN 1 Banjarharjo, Brebes Regency was in the very effective category was 13.89% (5 people), the effective category was 50.% ( 18 people), the less effective category was 22.22% (8 people), and the ineffective category was 13.89% (5 people). This means that according to the students of class X IPS 4 SMAN 1 Banjarharjo learning PJOK online is quite effective. The conclusion that the level of effectiveness of online learning on the learning outcomes of PJOK class X IPS 4 students during the covid-19 pandemic at SMAN 1 Banjarharjo, Brebes Regency is in the effective category is 50.% (18 people).