Modern Geográfia (Dec 2019)
A természetkárosítás bűncselekmény és a védett fajok csempészete térbeli aspektusai Magyarországon a 2005–2018-as időszakban
Biodiversity is ensuring the preservation of the dynamic steady state of the global systems. Protection of diversity of habitats and species and repression of smuggling protected species is our common concern. Nature destruction as a criminal act is increasingly present in our contry, as well, which raises a number of issues. The present study is introducing the territorial and temporal characteristics of nature desctuction acts and smuggling of protected species using criminal statistical data as well as maps on criminal occurrences. With a comparative analysis of the data from the counties and border segments of Hungary I attempt to highlight the geographical-social factors directly influencing the prevalence of such crime categories or increase the number of criminal acts.The analysis of nature destruction crimes data of Hungary for the period of 2005-2018 answered the question what is the effect of the border as a geographical place on the indicators. During the examined period the busiest border segment – at the airport of the capital – was affected by the most nature destruction crimes.