Modern Geográfia (Oct 2023)

Székelyföldi barlangok értékelése turisztikai hasznosíthatóságuk szemszögéből

  • Molnár, Csaba,
  • Magyari-Sáska, Zsolt

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 18, no. 3
pp. 21 – 39


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Speleology and caving are becoming increasingly popular activities these days, with a high number of visitors flocking to these mysterious but breathtaking natural wonders. However, cave exploration and research is not as popular and the number of people interested in such researches seems to be decreasing. The aim of the research was to evaluate the touristic potential of ten selected caves in Szeklerland. The caves were studied based on several criteria, using quantitative SWOT analysis, to find out which caves could be developed for tourism and included in the tourism circuit, and which ones had a low appeal as a natural resource and were not worth investing time and energy into their touristic development.
