mBio (Mar 2018)

<italic toggle="yes">Yersinia pestis</italic> Targets the Host Endosome Recycling Pathway during the Biogenesis of the <italic toggle="yes">Yersinia</italic>-Containing Vacuole To Avoid Killing by Macrophages

  • Michael G. Connor,
  • Amanda R. Pulsifer,
  • Donghoon Chung,
  • Eric C. Rouchka,
  • Brian K. Ceresa,
  • Matthew B. Lawrenz

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Vol. 9, no. 1


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ABSTRACT Yersinia pestis has evolved many strategies to evade the innate immune system. One of these strategies is the ability to survive within macrophages. Upon phagocytosis, Y. pestis prevents phagolysosome maturation and establishes a modified compartment termed the Yersinia-containing vacuole (YCV). Y. pestis actively inhibits the acidification of this compartment, and eventually, the YCV transitions from a tight-fitting vacuole into a spacious replicative vacuole. The mechanisms to generate the YCV have not been defined. However, we hypothesized that YCV biogenesis requires Y. pestis interactions with specific host factors to subvert normal vesicular trafficking. In order to identify these factors, we performed a genome-wide RNA interference (RNAi) screen to identify host factors required for Y. pestis survival in macrophages. This screen revealed that 71 host proteins are required for intracellular survival of Y. pestis. Of particular interest was the enrichment for genes involved in endosome recycling. Moreover, we demonstrated that Y. pestis actively recruits Rab4a and Rab11b to the YCV in a type three secretion system-independent manner, indicating remodeling of the YCV by Y. pestis to resemble a recycling endosome. While recruitment of Rab4a was necessary to inhibit YCV acidification and lysosomal fusion early during infection, Rab11b appeared to contribute to later stages of YCV biogenesis. We also discovered that Y. pestis disrupts global host endocytic recycling in macrophages, possibly through sequestration of Rab11b, and this process is required for bacterial replication. These data provide the first evidence that Y. pestis targets the host endocytic recycling pathway to avoid phagolysosomal maturation and generate the YCV. IMPORTANCE Yersinia pestis can infect and survive within macrophages. However, the mechanisms that the bacterium use to subvert killing by these phagocytes have not been defined. To provide a better understanding of these mechanisms, we used an RNAi approach to identify host factors required for intracellular Y. pestis survival. This approach revealed that the host endocytic recycling pathway is essential for Y. pestis to avoid clearance by the macrophage. We further demonstrate that Y. pestis remodels the phagosome to resemble a recycling endosome, allowing the bacterium to avoid the normal phagolysosomal maturation pathway. Moreover, we show that infection with Y. pestis disrupts normal recycling in the macrophage and that disruption is required for bacterial replication. These findings provide the first evidence that Y. pestis targets the host endocytic recycling pathway in order to evade killing by macrophages.
