Contextus (Dec 2012)
Comportamento do consumidor de artigos esportivos diante de acusações de atuação socialmente irresponsável contra uma empresa globalmente reconhecida
This paper aims to examine the behavior of sporting goods consumers when confronted with the fact that a well-known,globalized firm has been accused of acting in a socially unacceptable way. Some ethical issues, such as using childand slave labor in manufacturing, are placed and the consumer response is analyzed in light of the actual situationthat occurred with this company. In order to outline answers to these questions posed by the researchers, an onlinesurvey was conducted with Brazilian and foreigner students, over several months. The results expose the profile of theconsumers and map an ethical opinion about the subject of the research, indicating that there is a different perceptionbetween Brazilians and foreigners when it comes to companies’ socially responsible acting.