Волинський благовісник (Oct 2020)
Orthodox clergy of the Soiko family
The article highlights the life and pastoral path of representatives of three generations of clergy from the Soiko family. The family of the acolyte and later the priest Pavlo Soiko, who worked in the parishes of Zhytomyr and Ternopil regions, had four children: sons Ivan, Volodymyr and Ihor and a daughter Anastasia. All three sons graduated from the Volyn Theological Seminary (VTS) in Kremenets, as well as the Orthodox Department of Theology at the University of Warsaw. Anastasia (October 1, 1920–2008) studied at the Kremenets Ukrainian Gymnasium and the Ostroh Teachers‘ Seminary. She worked as a teacher. In 1939 she married Zosym Dubytsky ( June 4, 1915–1968), who came from a priest family and soon became a priest in Shum region.