South African Journal of Industrial Engineering (Jan 2012)
<p>ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This paper attempts to extend an original Gantt-charting model for optimal maintenance scheduling of multiple facilities in multiple periods credited to Charles- Owaba. In particular, an inflationary factor is incorporated into the period-dependent cost function element of the model. Some computational experimentation on the new model is tested. This work is perhaps the first to advance the extension of the Optimal Gantt Charting (OGC) model in terms of inflation. The work presents a wealth of research opportunities and has at least the modest potential to evaluate maintenance scheduling theory into the ranks of major theories of maintenance.</p><p>AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die artikel poog om inflasie te akkommodeer binne die raamwerk van ‘n Ganttkaartmodel vir die bepaling van optimum skedulering van instandhouding vir meervoudige fasiliteite met die verloop van tyd. Inflasie vorm dus deel van die koste-element van die model. Die model is ook op ‘n beperkte wyse gevalideer met behulp van ‘n rekenaarstudie. Die verkreë resultate toon dat addisionele navorsing gedoen kan word om sodoende die metode te vestig in die voorste rang van instandhoudingsbeplanning</p>