中西医结合护理 (Mar 2023)
Nursing of a patient with septic shock combine with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (1例脓毒性休克伴多脏器功能障碍综合征患者的护理)
This paper summarized the nursing measures for a patient with septic shock combine with multiple organ dysfunction syndromes. Key issues of nursing were summarized in perspectives of mechanical ventilation, medication, catheter maintenance, skin care and emotional care. Comprehensive interventions were carried out to relieve symptoms of shock, improve the vital signs and reduce the incidence of complications. (本文总结1例脓毒性休克伴多脏器功能障碍综合征患者的护理干预措施, 主要从机械通气护理、用药护理、管路护理、皮肤护理及情志护理等方面进行护理干预, 改善患者休克症状和各项生命体征, 减少并发症的发生。)