Library Ideas (Nov 2007)
Web 2.0 aus Nutzer- und Bibliothekssicht: Vorrang für Kernaufgaben der Bibliothek
Abstract; Library 2.0 has become a buzzword in the community of librarians. It seems that increasing political participation is more achievable now than ever. But long lasting processes of institution building of libraries have brought us to the point that it is not useful to negotiate the core tasks of librarianship in the arena of web 2.0 communities. Even though these tasks are dynamically and discussable, libraries have the responsibility to act as culture building, independent authorities with no-go-areas. Anyway, there are different virtual services within the applications of web 2.0 software that are useful for a better support of the customers’ needs in using the library. I present examples and scenarios for mash-ups, forums, voting systems and some other tools and their potential. Finally, it is necessary to ask in how far these tools optimize the contact with the library user. Some basic problems like decreasing resources or the enlargement of catalogues and library networks are more important to solve than just to focus on social software.