Business, Management and Education (Feb 2011)

The Level of Customer Participation in Co-Production of Planning the Furniture Services Klientų įsitraukimo bendrai kuriant baldų projektavimo paslaugas laipsnis

  • Rigita Tijūnaitienė,
  • Jelena Šidlauskienė,
  • Evandželina Petukienė

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 8, no. 1
pp. 285 – 298


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<p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 10pt;"><span style="line-height: 115%; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 9pt;">This article analyses customer&rsquo;s level of participation in co-production of service. A client&rsquo;s, known as a co-producer&rsquo;s involvement is a pretty new conception of participation in creation of service where customers participate in projects, in direct, all-round and not only physical ways, together with professional representatives of service providers. A customer&rsquo;s activity is becoming an important factor in order to achieve the results of effective creation of service, considering that client&rsquo;s level while participating plays an essential role in the creation of service. To accomplish an empirical investigation, two quality methods were selected (observation and interview), which were performed in the company, which provides the services of furniture design. Theoretical literature analyses showed that there are three levels of customer&rsquo;s participation: low, average and high, which usually appear in creation of co-productive service. Empirical investigation reve-aled that while co-producing services of furniture design customer&rsquo;s level of participation can be: low, average, average high and high. This shows that &ldquo;pure&rdquo; level of participation in co-production of furniture design service appears rarely, while intermediate (&ldquo;impure&rdquo;) level of participation can be observed more frequently. It is established that customer&rsquo;s personality, temper, stress, lack of designer&rsquo;s attention, preliminary decisions, and goods peculiarities determine causes of customer&rsquo;s involvement/ devolvement. It is established that it is hard to elucidate and reveal customer&rsquo;s needs, wishes and motives when the level of participation in co-production of furniture design service is low, and, as a result of that, a chance that the results of a service could not correspond to all customers expectations, rises. It is established that co-production of furniture design service is effective when the level of participation in co-production of furniture design service is average and average high, because high-desired customer&rsquo;s level of activity has not been noticed. Results of empirical investigation confirmed that in investigated (furniture design) service, high level of participation results in creation of co-productive and effective service, and received result absolutely corresponds to customer&rsquo;s needs and wishes. After summarizing the results of an investigation, it was noticed that it is possible to expect higher customer&rsquo;s level of participation if customer&rsquo;s participation is properly managed. </span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 10pt;"><span style="line-height: 115%; font-family: &quot;Verdana&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 9pt;"><strong>Keywords:</strong> co-production of service, customer participation, creator of service, the level of customer participation.</span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; mso-layout-grid-align: none;"><span class="hps"><span style="color: black; font-size: 10pt;"><span style="font-family: Times New Roman;">&Scaron;iuo metu dauguma gamybinių įmonių, siekdamos efektyvios veiklos, stengiasi gaminti produktus, atitinkančius individualius vartotojų poreikius. Pasikeitusi gamybinių įmonių aplinka lemia tai, jog jų veikloje aktualizuojasi paslaugų paradigma, orientaciją į prekę keičia orientacija į vartotoją. Siekiant prisitaikyti prie dinami&scaron;kos verslo aplinkos ir nuolat kintančių joje verslo sąlygų, būtina taikyti tokias veiklos vykdymo (valdymo) priemones, kad įmonių konkurencingumas</span></span></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; mso-layout-grid-align: none;"><span class="hps"><span style="color: black; font-size: 10pt;"><span style="font-family: Times New Roman;">būtų ne tik palaikomas, bet ir būtų sudaromos sąlygos įgyti konkurenciniam prana&scaron;umui. Straipsnyje keliama mokslinė problema gali būti i&scaron;reik&scaron;ta tokiais klausimais: kokiam įsitraukimo laipsniui esant klientas dalyvauja bendrai kuriant paslaugą ir kokią tai daro įtaką paslaugos kūrimui. Tyrimo tikslas: identifikuoti kliento įsitraukimo laipsnį bei nustatyti, kokią įtaką skirtingo laipsnio kliento įsitraukimas daro bendram paslaugos kūrimui. Tyrimo tikslui pasiekti suformuluoti tokie uždaviniai: i&scaron;analizuoti klientų įsitraukimo laipsnį teoriniu aspektu; identifikuoti klientų įsitraukimo laipsnį bendrai kuriant baldų projektavimo paslaugas; nustatyti klientų skirtingo laipsnio įsitraukimo įtaką paslaugos kūrimui.</span></span></span></p><p><span class="hps"><strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal;"><span style="font-family: &quot;Times New Roman&quot;,&quot;serif&quot;; color: black; font-size: 10pt; mso-ansi-language: LT; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-fareast-language: LT; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;">Raktiniai žodžiai: </span></strong><span style="font-family: &quot;Times New Roman&quot;,&quot;serif&quot;; color: black; font-size: 10pt; mso-ansi-language: LT; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-fareast-language: LT; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;">bendros gamybos paslaugos, klientų įsitraukimas, paslaugos kūrėjas, klientų įsitraukimo laipsnis.</span></span></p>
