Gayana (Jan 2005)

HERMETISMO ENTRE Solenopsis gayi SPINOLA, 1851 Y Brachymyrmex giardii EMERY, 1894 (HYMENOPTERA,FORMICIDAE) HERMETISM BETWEEN Solenopsis gayi SPINOLA, 1851 AND Brachymyrmex giardii EMERY, 1894 (HYMENOPTERA,FORMICIDAE)

  • Joaquín Ipinza-Regla,
  • A. Fernández,
  • M.A. Morales

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 69, no. 1
pp. 27 – 35


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Al fin de analizar la presencia de hermetismo entre dos especies de hormigas, se trabajó con cinco grupos de : Solenopsis gayi y cinco grupos de hormigas Brachymyrmex giardii. Diez hormigas por nido desde nidos de Solenopsis gayi fueron transferidas a nidos de hormigas Brachymyrmex giardii (residentes) y diez hormigas por nido de B. giardii fueron transferidas,en igual forma, a nidos de hormigas S. gayi (residentes) . Se observó, durante dos minutos, la presencia o ausencia de los siguientes eventos conductuales:exploración antenal (EA), abertura mandibular(AM), mordedura (MO), flexión ventral de abdomen (FVA), flexión dorsal de abdomen (FDA), lucha (L), transporte de la intrusa (TI) y retroceso (R) Después de la observación de cada evento. se calculó el tiempo medio de presentación y su desviación estándar. El análisis de las frecuencias se realizó usando pruebas de independencia con c². El tiempo medio de presentación de cada evento entre especies y entre nidos fue comparado utilizando un análisis de varianza anidado. Como resultado del cálculo de c² en las transferencias de B. giardii hacia S. gayi y desde S. gayi hacia B. giardii se pudo constatar que en todas ellas hubo una diferencia significativa en la frecuencia de presentación de los distintos eventos conductuales, a excepción de los eventos flexión dorsal de abdomen y retroceso, los cuales presentaron 0 y 1 observación, respectivamente. El análisis de varianza mostró que en exploración antenal, abertura mandibular y flexión ventral de abdomen, hubo diferencias significativas tanto entre especie como entre nidos. Para los eventos mordedura y lucha no hubo diferencias significativas entre especies, pero sí entre nidos. Para los eventos transporte de la intrusa y retroceso no se observaron diferencias significativas entre especies, tampoco entre nidosIn order to analyse the presence of hermetism between the Solenopsis gayi & Brachymyrmex giardii species experiments were carried out with five nest of each specie and therefore ten ants were transferred to the receptive nests (S. gayi & B. giardii). The ten intruders ants were relocated to the residents nest and this process was done by taking the ants one by one to each nest starting from one specie as a resident then turning this into a intruder. The presence or absence of the following behavioural events were under observation for two minutes: antennal exploration (EA), Mandibular aperture (AM), Bite (MO), Ventral Abdominal Flexure (FVA); Dorsal Abdominal Flexure (FDA), Fight (L), Intruder Transport (TI), and Backward Movement (R). After the observation of each event, the arithmetic mean and the standard deviation were calculated to obtain the latency time (in seconds) for every behavioural event. The frequency analysis were done using test of independence with c².. The average time of presentation of each event among species and nests was compared using nested analysis of variance. As a result of the c² calculation in the transferences from B. giardii to S. gayi and from S. gayi to B. giardii it was confirmed that in all these transferences there was a significant difference at the presentation's frequency of the different behavioural events, except for the dorsal abdominal flexure and backward movement, which presented 0 and 1. The analysis of variance showed that in antennal exploration, mandibular aperture and ventral abdominal flexure there were significant differences between the species as well as in nests. For the events bite and fight, there were not significant differences between species, in contrast there were significant differences between nests. In the case of intruder transport and backward movement there were not significant differences between species, neither did it between nests
