Revista de Políticas Públicas (Jan 2010)

RELAÇÃO ENTRE POBREZA E TRABALHO NO BRASIL: expressão de seus dilemas na Política de Assistência Social

  • Cleonice Correia Araújo,
  • Maria Eunice Ferreira Damasceno Pereira,
  • Maria Virgínia Moreira Guilhon,
  • Salviana de Maria Pastor Santos Sousa


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The relationship between poverty and work In Brazíl: an analysis based on data from a evaluatlve research carries out a reflectlon about the concept of poverty as a factor that is paradoxlcally IInked to the context of the Brazíllan Social Welfare and to the notion of work as a bedrock element of contemporary sociability, It considers blbllographlcal studies and documentary data collected In a natlonwlde survey, carrled out through a network of cooperatíon between the graduate programs of the Federal Unlverslty of Maranháo (UFMA) and Catholic University of Rlo Grande do Sul and Sao Paulo. This paper shows that a set of socio-historicat determlnants present at that time of the "SUAS" Implementatlon still shows the Welfare user as dependent and passive concemlng their own condítion.
