Comunicação & Educação (Dec 2020)
A extensão universitária durante a pandemia do coronavírus: experiências educomunicativas do curso de Comunicação Social da UFPE
Our article seeks to discuss extension projects developed by professors from the Social Communication undergraduate course, from the Design and Communication Center, from the Centro Acadêmico do Agreste, a campus of the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco in Caruaru, state of Pernambuco, during the Covid-19 pandemic. For the development of the paper, we opted for a bibliographic review and an experience report. Our study analyzes four extension projects: “Rádio Cordel: na frequência do Agreste”; “Radionovela: Literatura nas ondas do rádio” and “Solte sua voz: os invisíveis midiáticos”. Finally, extension projects are understood as relevant educative communicative experiences because they democratize communication, contribute to the education of university community and train the students involved in contemporary communicational experiences.