Thalassemia Reports (Dec 2014)
ENERCA: e-learning platform
ENERCA (the European Network for Rare and Congenital Anemias) is a European Commission funded project since 2002. Rare anaemias in Europe comprise haemoglobin disorders, such as thalassemias or sickle cell disease, and other rarer disorders, including inherited diseases of the red cell membrane, of the red cell enzymes, as well as anaemias related to disorders of iron metabolism. Education and training on rare anaemias is one of the main objectives of ENERCA and several educational initiatives have been undertaken during the past and present phases of the project. Among these, the organisation of courses for health professionals, the provision of videos with prevention messages for patients and general practitioners were part of the previous phase, ENERCA 3. In the current phase of the ENERCA project, called e-ENERCA, the workpackage dedicated to Education and Training mainly focuses on training of young physicians, biologists or scientists in the field of diagnosis and management of rare anaemias. The specificity of e-ENERCA is to be based principally on new communication e-tool. Two main educational axes will be developed: the organisation of on-site courses including interactive sessions with voting boxes and the implementation of an online e-learning platform.