Tikrit Journal for Agricultural Sciences (Dec 2023)
Genetic analysis of fatty acids, oil and protein percent in maize (zea mays l.) Using partial diallel mating design
In this study, the hybridizations were done using partial diallel mating design in spring season 2020 at Qlyasan location to complete the procedure of this experiment, which conducted during spring season 2021 at two different locations in Sulaimani Governorate, Qlyasan and Kanipanka Using randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replication. Eight pure lines of maize and their partial cross-hybrids were used by adopting a sample of three crosses for each line (MGW 16, NADH 102, NADH 704, NADH 706, NADH 52, ZY 52, NADH 905, MSI 4279). All genotypes (8 parents + 12 F1s hybrids) were prepared to chemical analysis for estimating oil%, protein% and fatty acids (Palmitic, Stearic, Linolic, Oleic, Linolenic and Oil). The results summarized as follow: The analysis of variance revealed that the mean square due to crosses and gca was highly significant for all studied traits, while for sca it was highly significant for most traits at both locations. The mean square due to the parents were highly significant for most studied traits. The cross NADH 52 × MSI 4279 and parent MSI 4279 showed gave highest means values for all traits. positive heterosis% for all traits was observed. The cross NADH 52 × MSI 4279 showed the highest heterosis% for all traits at both locations. The contribution of additive and non-additive gene effect was important in the inheritance of these traits at Qlyasan location, while at the Kani panka location the contribution of additive gene effect was more than non-additive gene effect for all traits. Highly significant correlation was recorded between each pair of fatty acids at both locations, but kernel yield recorded significant correlation with linolic and oleic acids at Kanipanka location only.