Ekonomiczne Problemy Turystyki (Apr 2018)
Motywacje wolontariuszy i ich rola w promocji turystycznej miejsca organizacji ŚDM (na przykładzie Krakowa)
The aim of the article is to show the motives of the volunteers of World Youth Day and their role in the promotion of the tourist attractions of the location of this event. Based on the information coming from the survey, conducted amongst participants of WYD Krakow 2016, an attempt was made to answer the following research questions: What were the motivations of the participation of volunteers in this religious event? Did they visit local tourist attractions? Are they going to tourists recommend the city to friends and family? The obtained results allow conclude that the volunteers in a lower percentage than other pilgrims treated the participation in WYD Krakow 2016 as a religious peregrination, but on a par with them they visited Krakow’s monuments and the local tourist assets, as well as declared their intention to recommend the city to family and friends. However, they noticed more shortcomings associated with the organisation of this event and they evaluated the tourist offer of Krakow through the prism of these lacks. The empirical analysis in this study was preceded by the query of literature concerning the nature and types of volunteering as a form of social activity.