Jurnal Agripet (Apr 2016)

Efek Suhu dan Masa Simpan Terhadap Aktivitas Antimikroba Susu Fermentasi dengan Lactobacillus casei

  • Cut Afria Mirdalisa,
  • Yusdar Zakaria,
  • Nurliana Nurliana

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 16, no. 1
pp. 49 – 55


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ABSTRAK. Susu fermentasi merupakan susu hasil pengasaman melalui aktivitas bakteri asam laktat yang menyebabkan perubahan kimia, sensorik dan mikrobiologi dalam produk susu fermentasi. Lactobacillus casei merupakan bakteri yang mampu menghasilkan senyawa organik dan hydrogen peroksida yang bersifat antibakteri. Senyawa antibakteri ini adalah senyawa kimiawi atau biologis yang dapat menghambat pertumbuhan dan aktivitas bakteri patogen yang dapat merusak kualitas susu fermentasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh suhu dan lama penyimpanan terhadap kualitas susu fermentasi dengan Lactobacillus casei. Suhu dan lama penyimpanan pada susu fermentasi Lactobacillus casei pengaruh sangat nyata (P0,01) dan dapat menekan pertumbuhan terhadap bakteri E.coli dan Staphylococcus aureus. Aktivitas antimikroba susu fermentasi Lactobacillus casei pada suhu penyimpanan 5⁰C dengan lama penyimpanan 30 hari dapat menekan pertumbuhan bakteri Staphylococcus aureus. (Effects of temperature and storage time on the antimicrobial activity fermented milk with Lactobacillus casei) ABSTRACT. Fermented milk is milk acidification results through the activity of lactic acid bacteria that causes chemical changes, sensory and microbiological in fermented milk products. Lactobacillus casei is a bacteria that can produce organic compounds and hydrogen peroxide which is antibacterial. The antibacterial compound is a chemical or biological compound that can inhibit the growth and activity of pathogenic bacteria that can damage the quality of fermented milk. The study has been conducted to determine the effect of temperature and storage time on the quality of fermented milk with Lactobacillus casei. the temperature and duration of storage time of fermented milk with Lactobacillus casei highly significant (P 0.01) affected and can suppress the growth of bacteria E.coli and Staphylococcus aureus. The antimicrobial activity of Lactobacillus casei fermented milk at the storage temperature of 5⁰C with a storage time of 30 days can suppress the growth of Staphylococcus aureus.
