Bonplandia (Jul 2019)
Hypotensives medicinal plants and their products commercialized in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires, Argentina
This study is part of a research project in Urban Ethnobotany, which studies the botanical knowledge in urban areas. It includes 83 medicinal plants marketed as hypotensive in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires. Data on the local use of these plants were gathered via field work and qualitative ethnobotanical methodologies. The 180 outlets surveyed consisted of: 145 stores of the general commercial circuit (pharmacies, herbalists, dietetics) and 35 outlets of the restricted commercial circuits of two immigrants segments, Chinese and Bolivians. The “Bolivian Market” of the Liniers district included 30 outlets (local and street stalls). The so-called “Chinatown”, a sector of the Belgrano neighborhood, included five large supermarkets. A search of academic studies related to hypertension was carried out to correlate the assigned plant use. Of the 83 species surveyed, 10 (12%) are invisible to most of the local urban population, while the remaining 73 (88%) are visible. Ethnobotanical information is provided on plants linked to hypertension treatment and on its scientific validity, adapting it to consumers who decide to use these plants.