Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research (Mar 2024)
Ayurvedic Management of Vicharchika vis-à-vis Atopic Dermatitis: A Case Report
In this fast-paced developing world, regular day-to-day activities like diet and sleep are neglected, leading to various skin disorders (Kushtha). Kushtha is a generalised term used for all skin diseases in Ayurveda. It is mainly divided into two types: Maha kushtha and Kshudra kushtha. Vicharchika is a type of Kshudra kushtha characterised by symptoms like blackish discolouration (Shyava varnata), vesicles (Pidika), discharge (Strava), and itching (Kandu), which can be correlated to atopic dermatitis/eczema. There is no adequate treatment to cure the root cause in contemporary medicine other than topical steroids and antihistaminic agents. The main treatment protocol according to Ayurveda involves the use of both purification (Shodhana) and palliative treatment (Shaman chikitsa). A 21-year-old female patient presented with small blackish papules on both upper limbs, oosing, and itching on the lesions. She was given medication for both internal use and external application, resulting in significant improvement in symptoms. The patches resolved, and the discharge, itching, and vesicles disappeared.