Ler História (Jun 2022)
Os bastidores da Lei de Descolonização de Timor. Interação entre Portugal e os movimentos nacionalistas timorenses
The decolonisation of Timor was only addressed quite late in the process initiated on April 25, 1974. The Law on the Decolonisation of Timor was only published in July 1975. Often regarded as a unilateral act of Portugal, this bill was preceded by long conversations between the colonial power and the nationalist movements formed in May 1974. Based on extensive research in Portuguese and Timorese archives (public and private), and in conversations with actors in the process, this essay reviews the interaction between Portugal and the nationalist movements up to the publication of Law 7/75, and reflects on the difficulties of adjusting a roadmap for self-determination agreeable to all parts. The late publication of the law mirrors the difficulties all the parts faced to clearly define a political line which was subject to frequent and significant tactical movements. This article is part of the special theme section on The Self-Determination of East Timor, guest-edited by Rui Graça Feijó.