Nucleus (Jun 2019)

Study of charge sharing effect and energy resolution of the Timepix hybrid detector based on gallium arsenide compensated with chromium

  • Lisan David Cabrera Gonzalez,
  • Antonio Leyva Fabelo,
  • Petr Smolyanskiy,
  • Alexey Zhemchugov,
  • Ernesto Alfonso Pita,
  • Annie Meneses González

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 0, no. 64


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Among the latest ionizing radiation detectors, those based on chromium compensated gallium arsenide (GaAs:Cr) are ones of the most competitive for many applications due to their high Z and strong resistance to radiation damage. They have been used in high energy physics research, medical visualization and spatial technologies, geological prospecting, among other advanced fields. The object of this work is a 900 µm GaAs:Cr detector with Timepix readout technology. Some detector characteristics for three experimental conditions were measured and studied by using the X-rays from a synchrotron and an X-ray tube provided with different materials for obtaining the corresponding fluorescence photons. A complex function was used to decompose the differential spectra into the most important contributions involved. As an additional tool for the research, the mathematical modeling of the mobility of charge carriers generated by radiation within the active volume of the detector was used. The results of these charge sharing effect studies showed a noticeable prevalence in the detector of this effect, changing its contribution according to the experiment characteristics. The detector was calibrated for the planned experiments and the energy resolution was determined. From the analysis of all the obtained results and their comparison with those reported in literature, it was confirmed that the detector has a marked charge-sharing effect between neighboring pixels, being its performance more impaired as the energy of incident photons increases.
