Medisan (Jan 2018)
Molecular markers of insertion type in bacterias of the Moraxellaceae and Helicobacteraceae (phylum Proteobacteria) families
A study with the use of Gupta methodology was carried out in the Biology and Geography Department of Oriente University in Santiago de Cuba, to determine molecular markers of insertion type in sequences of the DNA polimerase I proteins and DNA polimerase III (alpha subunity), obtained from international databases and later on aligned with the ClustalX2 program. The Moraxellaceae and Helicobacteraceae families have been broadly studied, because they comprise pathogen agents that cause numerous diseases in humans, but few investigations have been directed to the identification of the molecular characteristics that can distinguish their members from other groups of bacterias; so these results constitute a contribution to the knowledge of genetics and biochemistry of these families and provide molecular tools for the taxonomic classification and the diagnosis of pathogen species.