Polilog: Studia Neofilologiczne (Nov 2016)
«Где стол был яств, там гроб стоит…»: смысл и содержание культурной метафоры в поэзии русской эмиграции
«Где стол был яств, там гроб стоит…»: meaning and content of cultural metaphor in the poetry of Russian emigration The article deals with semantic connotations and content of cultural metaphors A Feast in Time of Plague (Pir vo vremya chumy) and Dance of Death in the artistic and aesthetic reflection of Russian еmigration poetry. The author traces the relationship of these metaphors with the classic motifs of Western culture and the Russian literary tradition. Besides that the author examines the basic patterns of the game artistic perception: the festivity as a spectacle and theatre, the death as the matrix of the ritual plot, as a myth, and as a mystery performance. Also the article is addressed to the visual macabre tradition (medieval engravings, the paintings of Bosch). Special attention is paid to the typology of the Dance macabre in the poetry structure regarding the synthesis of genre forms (on the example of the poetry of B. Poplavsky, J. Ivanov, M. Tsvetaeva, N. Turoverov etc.)