Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine (Dec 2020)
Protocol for a Coordinated Approach for Building Capacity of Mental Health Researchers in India
Introduction: India’s National Mental Health Programme (NMHP) was initiated in 1982. In 2016, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) organized a Brainstorming Meeting on Prioritization of Mental Health Research. Recognizing the need for improving mental healthcare by building a cadre of mental health researchers based on focus areas of the NMHP, the ICMR organized a research training cum capacity building workshop in collaboration with the Cross-Fertilized Research Training Programme (funded by Fogarty International Centre, NIH, USA) in 2016. The workshop successfully prepared and reviewed 12 single and multicenter research proposals in priority areas of mental health research, which were awarded by the ICMR to middle- and junior-level research faculty and NGO. Methods: A National Coordination Unit (NCU) was set up to mentor investigators and to coordinate, train, and monitor the progress of their projects. Investigators were paired with senior mentors and also participated in four capacity building workshops focusing on proposal-writing, evaluation, and process tracking. Results: Following discussions with ICMR program officers, the NCU formulated standard operating procedures for ethical conduct, data collection, data sharing, progress reporting procedures, and manuscript preparation for all research projects. Regularly scheduled long-distance communications with investigators using social media and group communications were planned. NCU partnered with the ICMR Database Management Unit to build a shared online platform for real-time data entry and storage, and organized two project review meetings where it also coordinated with US faculty to organize public workshops on manuscript writing and qualitative research. Conclusions: The NCU will ensure timely completion of research projects, data entry and analysis, and reports and project publications. It is feasible to evaluate progress with the NMHP through coordinated multisite research that also enables research capacity building. Results from these projects will help in formulating policies by the Ministry of Health Government of India for achieving objectives of the NMHP.