Trilogía Ciencia Tecnología Sociedad (Dec 2009)
Por una gobernanza en tecnología menos ingenua
In the following work I continue the criticism developed to the perspectives constructivists in technology, in this occasion this critic it’s centred in the governance of technology processes. For this I introduce Social Construction of Technology (SCOT) (Bijker, 1995; Pinch y Bijker, 1984) and the Actor Network Theory (ANT) (Latour, 1987, 1983; Callon, 1987; Law, 1987; 1991) approaches, which they influence in the Constructivistic of Technology Assesment (CTA) (Rip, 1994, 2002; Rip et al, 1995) perspective, that works particularly around the formulation of public policy in technology. In second term, I expose Large Socio-technical System (LST) (Hughes, 1987, 1983, 1996) approach, it serves me to locate the management of conflicts in institutions characterized for few tolerant styles in front of environmental resistances. Besides, I refer to the most authoritarian governments and, from this situation I incorporate the approaches on the management of the hostile intensity originating from the resistant groups and affected (Galtung, 1971). To finalize I deliver some delineations in favor of the gobernance in science and technology activated since the resistant groups.