Indian Journal of Community Medicine (Jan 1999)
A Study Of Family Background Of Juveniles And Reasons For Their Admission To Remand Home
Research question : 1. What is the family background of juveniles admission to Remand Home? 2. What are the Reasons for their admission to Remand Home? Objectives: To find out the familial background of the : juveniles for admission to Remand Home. To identify reasons for admission to Remand Home. Study design: Cross- sectional study. Study setting: Remand Home Sholapur. Participants : Juveniles admitted to Remand Home. Study variables : Prime cause for admission to Remand Home, Parents status, Parental occupation, socio- economic status, parental education, sibling position, family size, type of family, detailed underlying conditions. Outcome variable : Details of family background & reasons for admission to Remand Home. Statistical analysis: Proportions. Results : Of the total 300 juveniles admitted to Remand Home 78.67% and 21.33& were delinquents and non- delinquents respectively. 47.88% and 75% juveniles had lost one or both parents in delinquent and non- delinquent group respectively . Majority of juveniles in both group belonged to unskilled labour and skilled manual labour. The problem of juvenile delinquency went on increasing with decreasing socio- economic status. Approximately 2/3rd juvenile from both the group had both parents illiterate. As the sibling position increased a decreased trend in admission to Remand Home was seen. Increase in family size above 4, increase the chances of admission to Remand Home. 91% juveniles came from nuclear families. More than 50% delinquents were offenders while all non- delinquents were socially handicapped.