Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics (Apr 2017)
Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 20 (1), P. 091-095 (2017). DOI: The influence of ethylene glycol on the chemical interaction of PbTe and Pb1–xSnxTe crystals with H2O2–HBr–ethylene glycol etching compositions
The process of cutting, mechanical and chemical treatment of the PbTe and Pb1–xSnxTe crystal surface has been studied. The dependences of the chemical-mechanical polishing rate versus dilution of the base polishing etchant H2O2–HBr–ethylene glycol by the ethylene glycol have been determined. The surface states after chemical etching have been investigated using electron, metallographic and atomic force microscopy as well as X-ray microanalysis. It has been shown that the surface state is improved after chemical etching. Efficient methods for washing the samples after different types of PbTe and Pb1–xSnxTe surface treatment (cutting the crystal, mechanical surface treatment, chemical removing the surface damaged layer) have been developed.