Majalah Kedokteran Bandung (Dec 2011)
Peran Lem Fibrin Otologus pada Penempelan Tandur Konjungtiva Bulbi Mata Kelinci terhadap Ekspresi Gen Fibronektin dan Integrin
The tissue attachment and wound healing in conjunctional transplantation was more rapid with autologous fibrin glue (AFG) than suture techniques. Both tissue attachment and wound healing process need interaction between fibronectin (FN) dan integrin α5 activating the intra cellular signal transduction pathway. The aim of this study was to evaluate the gene expression, i.e. FN and integrin in conjunctival transplantation, comparing between AFG and suturing techniques. Animal experimental study was done in New Zealand White rabbits, which divided into AFG and suturing technique at Laboratorium Sentral (Biologi Molekuler) FK Unpad Bandung during May–October 2008, each 8 rabbits, respectively. The tissue sample for reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) examination was taken from the tissue excision one day after conjunctival bulbi transplantation. Data analysis was tested using Mann Whitney for small sample. The FN gene expression power of messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) in the AFG technique was stronger than that in suturing technique (1.9 vs 1.0, p=0.014). There was no significant difference in integrin α5 gene expression of mRNA between AFG and suturing techniques (1.2 vs 1.0, p=0.235). In conclusions, FN gene expression in AFG technique is stronger than suturing technique. There is no difference in integrin α5 gene expression between two techniques, however there is a tendency of increased integrin α5 gene expression one day after surgery